Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wanted: New Mom, Mine is Broke!

Well, hi there!

I believe my Mom owes you all an apology. She has been sick, you see. Something called mon-oh. All I know is that she slept a lot and complained about being tired and achy all the time.

Bo-ring! I mean, how am I supposed to be an International Man of Mystery when all I could do was lay around all the time? I think I might need to trade my Mom in for one that isn't broken!

On the good side, while she was sick I taught myself to jump up on the couch to administer appropriate kisses and keep her feet warm. I was a Very Helpful Boy! Not to mention, every time Mom got up off of the couch I would steal her pillow. It smells really good, just like my Mom.

In the meantime, I've been busy getting BIG. I'm as big as Rufus now! He still tries to push me around sometimes, especially when he wants my chewie. But I try to be polite and remember that he's just a curmudgeonly old cuss that wants to have his way all the time.

So anyway, I'm back! And I missed everyone...we have a lot of catching up to do! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my chewie collection.


  1. Nick - we have missed you! Glad your hooman mom is feeling better now.

    Look at you! You look so grown up! And so much like your mama! (not the hooman one)

    Can't wait to hear more about what you are up to.

  2. Aw, thank you Grandma Janet! Mom says that most of the time I look like Mama Scout, although sometimes when I am wild she says I look like Daddy Chase! My hair is long and silky now, Mom can't stop running her hands through it!

  3. Wow! I can't believe how much Nick has grown up in just the last 6 weeks! He does look lots like his Mama Scout and even a little like his Auntie Moira - both of whom look a lot like their Mama Honey. Amazing - genetics works!

  4. Man, Nicky, I really missed your blog. I'm so glad you are back and that your hooman mom is feeling better. All your sibs blame their wild sides on Daddy Chase and their beauty on Mama Scout. That's probably a fair assessment.

  5. Hi Nicky, I am glad you mama is feeling better. We were concerned about her. I think it is great that you have long, silky hair. I think that is important to an International Man of Mystery! Love, Lowri

  6. We've missed you! Glad that you're back.

  7. Hi, Nick! Glad to see you back! And it's nice to see that the International Man of Mystery can be a Very Helpful Boy, too. Have a tasty day!
    P.S. Glad your mom smells good! :)

  8. We all here are so very happy to see you back. We know your mom will be helping you more often now with posting. Thanks for sharing the update with us. Have a great one.
    World of Animals
