Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It's all about ME

Hey, y'all! It's my four-month birthday today! And while my Mom and Dad are at work, I'm at home partying like a rock star. Grandma Janet has been talking about my brothers and sisters this week since it's our birthday - and I'm up on deck! Make sure you stop by and check out my story there. Also she has posts about David and Alli (formerly known as Mary). Now if you'll excuse me, the dancers are going to be here at 3 so I need to finish getting the pole up. Bassett those ladies with the long ears!


  1. oh my - that's just not right!

  2. First he's airing out his equipment and now there's talk of poles? What's he gonna want when he turns one?

  3. Considering that his great grandpa has been referred to as the "Hugh Hefner of the dog world" I think Nick is a chip off the old block. Although great grandpa prefers his ladies tall and big boned. He always liked Mastiffs and Labs.

  4. Happy 4th month Birthday, Nick! Party on!
